A few years ago I got myself a weekend job working at a local library. Whilst working here I have met many people who are regular customers and people who live in the local area, most of which seem to be people who are either elderly or just lonely individuals who unload their personal or emotional baggage to the employees of the library. Over time, through conversations and observing general behaviour, I have built up different character profiles of these people, getting an idea of these people's general persona's, and what they might get up to in their spare time. For my final major project for third year, I have decided to base it on my observations of the people of whom I have met and gotten to know through the library. Through the use of a narrator type character, I will portray the experiences I have had whilst working at the library. I plan to detail the different and interesting characters that I have met, and also the lessons that I have learnt during my time. I aim to use elements of realism when telling of observations that I have made, but also take elements of their characteristics or looks, and exaggerate these to form entertaining, and sometimes comical stories to explain my thoughts on people or situations.
I plan to aim this idea at late teenagers and early adults, as this will allow me to portray story lines with sometimes adult humour and not constrain me by having to think what is age appropriate. Through these stories I hope to entertain people as much as I have enjoyed listening to these customer's experiences. I also hope that through these tales that the readers are able to associate with the narrator, in the situations that he is put in like awkward moments or encountering difficult people. From looking at my target audience I wish to make my project as accessible as possible, so therefore I aim to turn this project into a collection of mini comics, both in comic book and online comic formats featuring the narrator and my experiences through him. From experimenting with different types of media, I have decided to use traditional methods such as hand-drawings and using inks to create the general look of the project. I believe this gives the project a more personal look as these stories are from my experiences and perspective, and doesn't suit a completely computer aided touch, although I will certain computer programs to maybe enhance what I have already created using traditional methods.